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सोमवार, 12 सितंबर 2016

Sociology Quiz ,Questions Answers Quiz Sociology

Sociology Quiz ,Questions Answers  Quiz Sociology 

1. Which one of the following terms has not been used by Veblen in his theory of social change?
(A) Instinct of workmanship (B) Technological techniques (C) Mode of Production (D) Habit and thought           Ans       D

2. Who wrote the book 'The Science of Culture' ?
(A) Malinowski (B) Tylor (C) L.A. White (D) P.A. Sorokin           Ans        C

3. Who said, "Class is synonymous with caste or tribe so far as Hindus are concerned" ?
(A) L.G. Havanur (B) Andre Beteille (C) Dandekar (D) Ghurye         Ans     A
4. Who gave the concept of 'Sacred Society' ?
(A) K. Marx (B) H. Spencer (C) E. Durkheim (D) R.E. Park         Ans        C

5. Which of the following does not fall under the category of community disorganisation ?
(A) Divorce (B) Poverty (C) Unemployment (D) Corruption            Ans        D

6. Who wrote the book 'Planned Economy for India' ? 
(A) Mahalanobis (B) V.K.R.V. Rao (C) M. Visvesarayya (D) G.L. Nanda        Ans        C

7. Who defined tribe as a 'group of people with common culture' ?
(A) Malinowski (B) Koreber (C) R. Brown (D) Benedict              Ans        A

8. When the Planning Commission was formed in India?
(A) 1951 A.D. (B) 1937 A.D. (C) 1934 A.D. (D) 1950 A.D.        Ans    D        

9. How many castes were included in the list of OBC by the Mandal Commission?
(A) 3437 (B) 3545 (C) 2823 (D) 3235         Ans    B

10. Which is generally the basis of political organization in simple societies?
(A) Religion (B) Kinship (C) Mores (D) Folkways       Ans     B

11. Who has formulated the 'Sub-cultural theory' of urbanization?
(A) Fisher (B) Burgess (C) Wirth (D) Weber            Ans B

12. The term social control was first used by–
(A) Merton (B) Sumner (C) Davis (D) Ross         Ans D

13. Who has defined that "By social change is meant only such alter-nations as occur in social organisation–that is the structure and function of society" ?
(A) Ginsberg (B) Davis (C) Gillin and Gillin (D) MacIver and Page          Ans B

14. Who has propounded the theory of 'Challenge and Response' ?
(A) Toynbee (B) Sorokin (C) Pareto (D) Spengle           Ans A

Sociology Quiz ,Questions Answers  Quiz Sociology 
15. Human Development includes–

(A) Life expectancy (B) Literacy level (C) Satisfactory per capita income (D) All the above    Ans D

16. Who wrote the book 'Karma Yoga' ?
(A) Radhakrishnan (B) Bhagwan Das (C) M.K. Gandhi (D) Vivekanand            Ans D

17. Caste system is based on–
(A) Dharma (B) Karm (C) Birth (D) Social organization          Ans C

18. Who made the distinction between 'achieved status' and 'ascribed status' ?
(A) Linton (B) MacIver (C) Simmel (D) Le Bon              Ans A

19. Who wrote the book 'Social Order' ?
(A) T. Parsons (B) R. Bierstedt (C) R.K. Merton (D) K. Davis            Ans B

20. Which one of the following is a function of social stratification?
(A) Social recognition (B) To provide social knowledge (C) Social integration (D) To increase social distance             Ans C

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